Ethical Decisions are getting more difficult to make

Rules to Live by. Ethical Guidelines are more personally held then regular Laws or Rules.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Truthfulness: Have human beings lost this ability?

Has civilized man, and the term is used loosely, lost their capability of being truthful to one another and their families? It is a great strength to be loyal, obedient, and able to get things done at work, however we so often need those qualities in our full life as well as our work life. The question I’m posing here boils down to can we are as patient at home as we are at work? We need to feel as well as show vast amounts of love as well as all its attachments.

Sure money can buy a nice house or car and every other material possession you want and need, however it cannot buy you love or a family despite its power. Love is present there for a limited time and it may or may not be authentic. We have to consider that money and authentic love do not mix well together at all. Unfortunately we are too much of a capitalist society to see that money and the unending thirst for it is at an all out war with authentic love. The scary thing is love is losing the battle because of all the stigmas and other dishonorable deeds to make money that this society has done to attain money.

Basically money should not have that effect on love, or at least not that much. If we do this we all will be happy? Happiness is what life is meant to be.

Feelings are really important. It is important to express them while maintaining control over them. When a feeling gets into us it is best to express it right there or at least writes about it, thus releasing it as well. If we do not, like most other things, the longer we wait, the sharper the tongue gets.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Where the Wild Things Are

They are in our heads. The adventures we constantly go through in our life start in our minds. Imagination takes flight to anywhere.

It has no limitations of characteristics or magical thought. It can take you to infinity and beyond.

The mind is a powerful resource that never loses power and always has imagination to produce magical wonders of magnificent amount. The imagination can withstand whatever obstacles we put forth in our own world and brighten all the worlds we are involved in as well as keep us young at heart always and forever.
When they die off, that is a real shame, because that means we are growing up to be adults. When we lose them all we fully transition into another reality.

Trust Life

Trust life

It is extremely difficult to build a strong connection with another being without trust. Trust is needed more and more throughout life. Romance needs way more trust than a friendship. The higher the vulnerability level the more the trust will be an issue.

It is very difficult to build a good relationship. A connection with another human being is impossible as well as in conceivable without trust.

Trust is earned, not given freely, it is a very difficult to receive as well as to initiate. One of the hardest and most fragile things within all relation is trust. If you do not have any trust not only in others but yourself most importantly you will find yourself in misery as well as alone. Every living entity in and throughout all existence has that choice.

Trust is a necessity for all to survive. You trust in your knowledge of the importance of issues that you hold most dear

It is extremely difficult to build a strong connection with another being without trust. Trust is needed more and more throughout life. Romance needs way more trust than a friendship. The higher the vulnerability level the more the trust will be an issue.

It is very difficult to build a good relationship. A connection with another human being is impossible as well as in conceivable without trust.
Trust is earned, not given freely, it is a very difficult to receive as well as to initiate. One of the hardest and most fragile things within all relation is trust. If you do not have any trust not only in others but yourself most importantly you will find yourself in misery as well as alone. Every living entity in and throughout all existence has that choice.
Trust is a necessity for all to survive. You trust in your knowledge of the importance of issues that you hold most dear


The best way to describe the human spirit is in trusting others. This is the basis for all the interactions we have. The human spirit is a battery is a sense. It has energy; however it can only work efficiently when it is fully charged.

It needs sleeps well as other aspects within life. This being the most primitive thing that has to be learned early in life. If it is not fully learned early enough in life, all obstacles will obstruct us all and prevent us to overcome the most fundamental of all situation's which socialization is.

No matter if socialization is learned without trust it has mass difficulties.

These difficulties if left unchecked could devastate or even kill all that come in contact with. It can almost kill all of life as well as love the most powerful force of all.

This needs to be gained through yourself first. Trust has to be acquired through expect and kindness. It cannot be made through suspicion and hate.

Anger is the deception leverage that trust can defeat, however this is very difficult. It takes a whole lot of trust to overcome anger. Trust is so fragile, but when teamed with other attributes, such as love it can defeat anger, within a nanosecond.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Why do we as a people of the planet put our self’s through such ordeals for recognition? We put ourselves through this torture to prove that we are the best in a certain field. But who do we prove it to? Not yourself. You already know your potential. It does not affect your environment. It may give you a tiny bit more respect in your community. If that’s worth the turmoil you have to go through to receive it, it’s good for you.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


The more we procrastinate the more time we lose. Time is precious, so do not procrastinate so much, trust others to handle problems by themselves. That is why they achieve the goal your team is trying to achieve.

Together we are capable of accomplishing feats no matter how magnimous or complex they may seem.

This is one mystery of nature. It is an endless loop. For it has no beginning or end.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Memories are very powerful. They have more power then we give them credit. They can lead us to situations that we do not want to be in sometimes. They can be manipulated the same way any other things. Hopefully they can never cause such harm as unconsciousness.

Through all the business of life our memories are the most vital human attribute. This is because without them we would be lost, so lost that we could not be found in our own memories. This has extreme meaning to us all.

For none of us want to be alone, even if we feel that way at time socially we can take some time and then get back into the game of life.

This is mainly because we are so persistent. We have many outlet. So many sometimes confusion sets in. That is when time plays an important role.

It takes an important role because we allow it to. We could all use more of it though, so does it really matter how long it takes you to complete a task.

The time it takes along with the effort you make to complete anything is the most valued assets. Time and effort are valuable together.

That is very complex thinking. As long as we all remember that we should be

fine. However, would it be a problem if we were to forget it all and start at

the beginning. No, as long as the effort was there and the time that was given, was equal in strength.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Let Go Of Your Control

Have you ever wondered why we are so nervous or constantly wanting?

You are seeking something, but what?

Nothing satisfies our hunger until we know what we are hungry for. That's the trouble we are all so distracted that until we are not we cannot focus. We are like children in school only worse. We cannot move forward until we are in completion with our past.

We all have to be in completion with it all or we cannot move on. We will go in a circle over and over until we reach completion.
We cannot pick and choose our battles as well as what we are in completion with. There is no right or wrong path in this adventure we call life, even if we all agree that there are. The word of man can never exceed the natural law.
We all should just relax and enjoy the ride, let it live through you and not against you. One of the biggest calamities within the world is that we all take it too seriously and make conflicts where there need not be any. We all have to let it be and just enjoy the ride.

Letting Go

All animals, more often than not have to let go of everything. So why, do we as a species, view it as such a predicament.

We should treat our problems, as a snake treats its skin. It is viewed as important for a time. However, when its over its over. We should remember the past; however not treat it with such importance as the future.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Little oddities in life make life worth living. Although sometimes it gets to be so much and we become tremendously scared. The weird thing is the human spirit is extremely redundant and it can take as excruciating amount of pain as well as pressure.
So it is almost like a like a scale, except we never know when we are exceeding the limit. So there are basically two ways to live.
Everything is not actively positive or negativity negative. There is one more thing in these ways of living. The other shades of emotion realities. There is not just black which, equal negative as well as white which would equal positive.

Quest For Truth

Every gift comes with a curse, known or not. How we perceive the gift is in many ways of detriment to our consciousness.

It makes all the difference if we observe them as this. Everything has extremely many points of view. As long as we observe that every situation has many ways of being observed, life will be way easier.

The importance of taking all views into consideration is one of the most valued things that we could ever do. It causes our mind to be open as well as new possibilities to emerge.

All truths have different perspective of which they could be veiwed. They have many more angles of which we can see them. In fact this is extremely mysterious and possibly could expand with every involved party who are with taking interest within the situation.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ever Wonder

Why the sun lightens our hair, but darkens our skin?

Why women can't put on mascara with their mouth closed?

Why don't you ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"?

Why is "abbreviated" such a long word?

Why is it that doctors call what they do "practice"?

Why is it that to stop Windows 98, you have to click on "Start"?

Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons?

Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker?

Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour?

Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?

When dog food is new and improved tasting, who tests it?

Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes?

Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections?

You know that indestructible black box that is used on airplanes? Why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff??

Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?

Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?

If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?

If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Let Go of Your Control

Have you ever wondered why we are so nervous or constantly wanting? You are seeking something, but what?

Nothing satisfies our hunger until we know what we are hungry for. That's the trouble we are all so distracted that until we are not we cannot focus. We are like children in school only worse. We cannot move forward until we are in completion with our past. We all have to be in completion with it all or we cannot move on. We will go in a circle over and over until we reach completion.

We cannot pick and choose our battles as well as what we are in completion with. There is no right or wrong path in this adventure we call life, even if we all agree that there are. The word of man can never exceed the natural law.

We all should just relax and enjoy the ride, let it live through you and not against you. One of the biggest calamities within the world is that we all take it too seriously and make conflicts where there need not be any. We all have to let it be and just enjoy the ride.


Everything happens for a reason. All you have to do is let it happen and believe that it is happening for the correct reason. It will just flow from you. It will also bring immense joy if you only belief.
Humor is a good attribute no matter what. By relieving tension it brings clarity to you, which has its own relevance. It also makes life worth living; because the more fun you have the more energy you get to live a great life.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Speak Up

In this world it is important to communicate ideas. You have to communicate in a common language in order for full socialization to take place. It's very important for your ideas to be heard.

Ideas need to be maintained by a language common to a group. This is extremely important. Without full understanding socialization cannot be completed. Since we all need to communicate as well as socialize, we should all know the language of the majority within the area we reside.

This is extremely important, so frustration does not occur. Frustration builds up from lack of receptive communication as well as projective communication.

Frustration escalates to arguments which lead us to conflicts. It is a never ending circle which starts from misunderstandings of communication.

We extremely have a vast degree of misunderstandings in the world, especially when the resolution is as simple adapting communicational structures. That being the case, if and when that is alleviated who knows what we can create as well as achieve.

Smile for Miles

When you smile; most, if not all of the people surrounding you smile as well.

However, the one that does not smile authentically is the one that needs to smile more often.
This is as fundamental as seeing something you want and receiving it. The point is precisely this, that smiling is the best defense we have. It is good now as in all time.

Although through it all being so difficult to make sense of all you want to, it makes a simple smile more relevant. It is getting so complex that life is not as fun to live any more, in any way. That is why the world seems to be individualizing itself more so than in the past.

We have to choose to verbally communicate no matter how much technology advances. It does not matter how brief or long winded our ideas get. Time is always relative; if it takes an exuberant amount, why not let it.

Your understanding is important as well. That is why time is crucial. Our attention span is getting shorter; however are ideas are getting so complex as well as extraordinary no media is capable of recognizing this.
Every point that you are interested in, means that you will have a better time in your life. It does however add complexity, in the aspects that relate to it throughout your life. The more complex your ideas get; the more help you will require in expressing them.

That is why level of organization are necessary. Every level has its price, however the more work you do the more it is worth that amount.

There are so many more relevant things than simple organization. We all have the ability to rationalize everything which is both positive as well as negative.

It is a positive because you don't know how far you are able to go until you get there. You have to portray a high degree of trust in yourself as well as others so you all can achieve the same goal.

Knowledge is power; however wisdom comes from knowledge as well as relaxation. If we are all to excited we cannot achieve what we set our minds to which is extremely tragic. Emotional levels; as well, our allies, only if we are capable of controlling them.

Depending on how you observe the characteristics is better still. There is always a positive out there; all that is required is the effort to pursue it.

It does not matter what path you follow as long as your passions lead you. No matter what if you enjoy the voyage you will live a long and genuine life. The more that you enjoy it the longer it will be. To be unified in all you can be is what leads you on the greatest adventure.

Worrying is one of our greatest downfalls. It is not possible to worry so much as well as have an abundantly joyful lifelong celebratory existence.

Having negative thoughts is extremely difficult on yourself as well as society as a whole. It in essence takes the form of a tree which branches out into all we meet. Negativity is as pointless as being outside is the rain with no umbrella.

Fire has its beauties as well as downfalls. It portrays what is true, through its light. However its destructive capability should be dealt with accordingly.

This destruction that fire entails upon life is causing life to flourish as well. It is similar to our ideas which our good as well as strong. However our timing may be off and so destruction ensues.

Even though anything good could lead to something bad, what matters most is the amount of people or other forms of recognition that ensues. The greater the communication is the broader and more effectual the concept may be.

There are so many factors it is like in elementary school again, but resisting to acquire the knowledge that is presented. If the problem cannot be solved one way you look for another solution. That is precisely how you can look at most explanations to problems.

Even though you need increasingly more patience due to the complexity of the situations that you encounter in life, the explanations as well as the solutions are capable of extreme variation. If they are set on the truth you have an exceedingly higher chance of gaining the access to wherever the key of life takes you.


Rules are very peculiar. They can save your life. However too many can take it away as well.

They can save it by giving you order and structure that will enhance growth. They also make you a more responsible individual.

However countless amount s of rules and regulations can suffocate your individuality also misappropriate your freedom. This may stop you may stop you from growing and slowly deteriorate you to the point of death.

In order to avoid this there has to be a balance of rules and regulations versus free time. Where you can do whatever you want. You have to have this free time, where you can do anything that you want. It is a necessity to have this time in order to grow and maintain health for about an hour or two a day. Your imagination need some exercise as well as your rationality. If you do this you will “Live long and prosper,” as Spock said in Star Trek. Isn’t that all that we all want?

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Who really cares about this, except for if you do? Individuality has a curse as well as many pleasures. But there are more curses attributing to what is to be viewed as wrong or right, then anything else.

Wonder has always benefited all of us even if it was viewed as indecent at the time. So why don't we be as wonderful as we like, and not worry about the consequences as long as it does not endanger any life form.

Consciences Struggles

What if there was this struggle, however it got buried. It is getting more buried every time it is ignored. There is apparently no way to provide assistance. However what if a few people knew about this struggle, but were silenced.

It is so precious that this gets addressed. It is very difficult to find someone who shares as strong a drive as well as passionate about a higher truth.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Temporal Effort

Effort is temporally a solution to problems. However these problems are not always relevant to all of life’s aspects. You have to always take your time and make sure you understand both the problem and the solution. Energy always is a way to find the truth to a solution.
However sometimes the energy put out cannot find the solution. This is when anger sets in. If we are not careful a crises ensues.
Then we are emotionally or mentally traumatized. This trauma if not properly dealt with could lead to serious disability if not more.
If the inaction does not stop it can led to physical ailments. Abundant action is necessary until the cure has a chance to take effect. If not the problem will enlarge to a size almost of impossible magnitude, which needs more care then the initial event required.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Conflictive Complexities of Life

Life is getting so complex it is scary. Technology and humanity are involved in this apparent conflict. The problem is it is not being answered in a descent way because of all the distractions we have.

Which are not bad per say, however they do not always get the attention they fully deserve and since we only listen to what changes, a change unlike any other may hopefully not have to happen to have us all change something so fundamental as our human essence and decency for all mankind is counting on this.

Resentment is not comprehendible for anyone to go through, especially yourself.
It not only frustrates you but, as well frustrates the individual life forces around you. Not only people can feel resentment but animals as well as vegetation do as well. They all express it in different ways, however the more severity the resentment has the greater the crises are capable of becoming.

It leads us to a whole slew of issues. Not only health and happiness are at risk; nutrition and pure enjoyment of life’s moments are as well.

We all are chronologically getting older but our number of years on this planet, if dealt with wisely will be a rejuvenating source more than anything.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


We all have more commonalities and not as many differences. We should not be so conflictive prone. We are so sensitive because we suffer from tiredness, if we all got more sleep we would be able to relax and be at ease a lot more.
True conflict leads to immediate change, however physical conflict costs lives. That is too great a price for change. We are not acting on instinct alone. Let us all use our logical side and not just are physicalness to express our differences.
Love is one of the most relevant tools to lead to a wondrous future as well as to spread knowledge throughout humanity as well as the whole world. After all we are the most intelligent life forms on the planet, it is about time we all act like it to if anything just set an example for all.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Fear or Not

There is a difference between acceptance and having no fear. For example you can accept death but still fear dying. You even could fully accept dying, for you have been pronounced as dead, however you still fear it.

Fear of dying exists throughout life. People have this drive to stay alive. It may be seen as fearing the unknown or just not wanting to give up.

Not wanting to give up on life is a more empowering view than fearing the unknown.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Greatest Reward

The Greatest reward is life. Using your life to express your thoughts; matters in many ways. You always are at attention if you are excited. The issue is finding your excitement in all of life. Through all the tests and tabulations you have to find your inspiration through it all.

Finding your inspiration may be tough, however if you just believe in finding it, you are able to. Inspiration is all around you, you just have to stop and look and there it will be depending on how hard you look at anything. In your life you may see successes and failures, you want more successes though. So it is extremely important that you believe you can do something before you are capable of achieving it.

Paths throughout Life

Thinking is only one form of attention. We have many more ways to interpret the world. It is good that we think, however if we conemplate to much we will lose touch with reality. We all live in our own bubble of reality which is known as thought.

Whatever you think you can ultimately become. That is however open to interpretation from yourself. You are in control of yourself all the time.

Sleeping helps you maintain control of your health and your faculties in general.

Trust is an important factor in everything. Trust attracts you to everything in your life, however if you don't have love or some sort of feel for love, you'd be missing a whole lot more. Curiosity is extremely important as well as love and trust.

It almost as if we all have a frequency. An ideal system, those travel a long way back into space and time. However it is more associated with timing then anything. It all began with a new way of thinking. Like most ways or waves it was extremely small. However, as it grew it got so big it scared people till it was held back and trapped.

Life is amazing. Cautiously, amazing none the less, this adds to the spice of life. All that is left is to be careful because the spice is too spicy for some, however not as spicy for all. That adds to the fun. It is a very long road, but with the right friends along side of you it is insurmountable. The length of the voyage maybe so intense at times, it may cost everything you hold dear to you, but it’s worth it. At times it

Friday, September 25, 2009


Being authentic is extremely humorous. It plays hide and seek with people’s lives, however does not let the people it’s playing with know about the game. The worst part of the game is it has its own set of rules.

So you have to take people at what they say and do, and you can advise them but only that. Don’t get dragged down to the ground. You should always stay high in the sky. That is where true living is able to take place. In our imagination which contains our concept of reality is where creativity happens.

Just live life in the moment, which is all you can do. You should not take what others say so seriously, or for all time. They might change their mind or view it differently.


If our communication skills were not getting worse, then what's wrong with us? If it is that we are overburdened, then how should we compensate.

What if we are too busy to take care of this problem. The longer we wait the worse it will get. Solving this is as simple as relaxing, letting all your difficulties go, and just take it easy.


Too much order causes a meltdown. So a balance needs to be met with order as well as structure. The interesting thing is to much of anything will lead to a breakdown as well.

Life is a difficult scale to figure out. There is way to much to take in. The closer to perfection our world takes on the more confusing it becomes. The more obstacles we have to deal with, the more confusing it gets. It is practically and endless cycle of frustration and anger.


This feeling can only come one way. That is if you do not take your problem or

anyone else's problem seriously. This sounds simple, but it is not. If anything

look at the news and entertainment as a whole. What draws you in?

Happy people may, however it is only the tragedies of life that capture your

attention. It is not that easy to stop unless you are ready to lose all your

pocessions or maybe even your life.

What if there was a war no one ever talked about. This war was going on for

decades, milennia, however long life existed. This eaternal war got so embedded

in the subconscious that no one knows about it, except a very small number

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Good bye

Good bye is the saddest word known throughout mankind. In every language it is said with some contempt, but shouldn’t be said with anger at all because it is mandatory in a humane world that we say goodbye as cheerfully as we can. It shouldn’t be said with anger, but with knowledge that you may see the people leaving yet again. You never know if and when you’ll see anyone so do not leave on an angry note. Always you should leave on the happiest note that you can, for all should be right when you leave, for you do not know if you will return, but no one wants to be remembered as a monster ever.