Ethical Decisions are getting more difficult to make

Rules to Live by. Ethical Guidelines are more personally held then regular Laws or Rules.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


We all have more commonalities and not as many differences. We should not be so conflictive prone. We are so sensitive because we suffer from tiredness, if we all got more sleep we would be able to relax and be at ease a lot more.
True conflict leads to immediate change, however physical conflict costs lives. That is too great a price for change. We are not acting on instinct alone. Let us all use our logical side and not just are physicalness to express our differences.
Love is one of the most relevant tools to lead to a wondrous future as well as to spread knowledge throughout humanity as well as the whole world. After all we are the most intelligent life forms on the planet, it is about time we all act like it to if anything just set an example for all.

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