Ethical Decisions are getting more difficult to make

Rules to Live by. Ethical Guidelines are more personally held then regular Laws or Rules.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Let Go Of Your Control

Have you ever wondered why we are so nervous or constantly wanting?

You are seeking something, but what?

Nothing satisfies our hunger until we know what we are hungry for. That's the trouble we are all so distracted that until we are not we cannot focus. We are like children in school only worse. We cannot move forward until we are in completion with our past.

We all have to be in completion with it all or we cannot move on. We will go in a circle over and over until we reach completion.
We cannot pick and choose our battles as well as what we are in completion with. There is no right or wrong path in this adventure we call life, even if we all agree that there are. The word of man can never exceed the natural law.
We all should just relax and enjoy the ride, let it live through you and not against you. One of the biggest calamities within the world is that we all take it too seriously and make conflicts where there need not be any. We all have to let it be and just enjoy the ride.

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