Ethical Decisions are getting more difficult to make

Rules to Live by. Ethical Guidelines are more personally held then regular Laws or Rules.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Speak Up

In this world it is important to communicate ideas. You have to communicate in a common language in order for full socialization to take place. It's very important for your ideas to be heard.

Ideas need to be maintained by a language common to a group. This is extremely important. Without full understanding socialization cannot be completed. Since we all need to communicate as well as socialize, we should all know the language of the majority within the area we reside.

This is extremely important, so frustration does not occur. Frustration builds up from lack of receptive communication as well as projective communication.

Frustration escalates to arguments which lead us to conflicts. It is a never ending circle which starts from misunderstandings of communication.

We extremely have a vast degree of misunderstandings in the world, especially when the resolution is as simple adapting communicational structures. That being the case, if and when that is alleviated who knows what we can create as well as achieve.

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