Ethical Decisions are getting more difficult to make

Rules to Live by. Ethical Guidelines are more personally held then regular Laws or Rules.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Truthfulness: Have human beings lost this ability?

Has civilized man, and the term is used loosely, lost their capability of being truthful to one another and their families? It is a great strength to be loyal, obedient, and able to get things done at work, however we so often need those qualities in our full life as well as our work life. The question I’m posing here boils down to can we are as patient at home as we are at work? We need to feel as well as show vast amounts of love as well as all its attachments.

Sure money can buy a nice house or car and every other material possession you want and need, however it cannot buy you love or a family despite its power. Love is present there for a limited time and it may or may not be authentic. We have to consider that money and authentic love do not mix well together at all. Unfortunately we are too much of a capitalist society to see that money and the unending thirst for it is at an all out war with authentic love. The scary thing is love is losing the battle because of all the stigmas and other dishonorable deeds to make money that this society has done to attain money.

Basically money should not have that effect on love, or at least not that much. If we do this we all will be happy? Happiness is what life is meant to be.

Feelings are really important. It is important to express them while maintaining control over them. When a feeling gets into us it is best to express it right there or at least writes about it, thus releasing it as well. If we do not, like most other things, the longer we wait, the sharper the tongue gets.

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