Ethical Decisions are getting more difficult to make

Rules to Live by. Ethical Guidelines are more personally held then regular Laws or Rules.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Teaching and Learning

It is wise to view teaching and learning as one in the same. After all teachers, learn as much from student, as students learn from teachers.

In essence we all learn from experiences that we have as well as others experiences also. Life could be viewed as a constant learning experience. Every obstacle you overcome or do not overcome, you gain wisdom and knowledge which in essence is power.

Knowledge is power, so everything you know is an attribute to your power. Everything you consume makes you powerful or better equips you to use as to show that power as miraculously as you desire. All we have to acquire is patience.

Everything is available through patience. It is more than virtuous, it is a necessity a necessity for wisdom. To achieve much of anything requires vast amounts of it. In essence patience is a focal point for teaching, learning and wisdom.

Wisdom changes from time to time. Adaptation is truly wise in all that you teach and lean. Reception as well as perception of wisdom is necessary throughout our learning as well as our teachings.

Interaction is the key. With interaction it is easy to share thought that we have learned from one another. You should remain as open as possible to all thought, no matter how ridiculous they may seem at the moment. You may be able to use them in the future.

It does not matter if someone else uses them, for as long as they get used, that is all that is important. Usage of thought is of great importance. In fact without thought, we will not be here

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