Ethical Decisions are getting more difficult to make

Rules to Live by. Ethical Guidelines are more personally held then regular Laws or Rules.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Awareness is the first thing ever and it is everywhere.

Awareness is so permanent that it is older than the universe.

Awareness is a single thing and it cannot change in any way.

This is Awareness Theory, based on discoveries of new paradigm science.

Awareness can only do one thing and that is to be aware. When frequency wave fields pass through awareness, they become real in material reality. This is new paradigm science. But we already know this because that's exactly what we experience, with light and sound waves and such.

In particular, awareness doesn't die. When we die, our awareness doesn't die because it cannot. It is as alive as ever. It is the same awareness that is everywhere.

Our bodies die, and we can learn something from that. Our bodies have morphic fields of frequency wave patterns that describe our bodies in detail. These morphic fields manifest in material reality as our physical bodies. This is new paradigm science.

When we die, the connection between the physical body and its morphic field is broken. That connection is our awareness of our body. When we are aware of our body, we resonate with its morphic field. Contact with awareness is what makes a wave field become real. This is new paradigm science.

When this connection is broken, when we start losing awareness of our bodies (die) for whatever reason, the morphic fields for our bodies lose resonance and begin to deteriorate. We know a lot about how long this process takes from observing corpses. This means that the morphic field that is manifesting that corpse very slowly loses resonance with our awareness and that our departure from our body is very gradual.

The experience of death does not take anything away from who you are. It shows you that you are not the physical body. We experience this lack of awareness of our bodies every time we sleep. We experience wonderful dreams in sleep, without awareness of our bodies. This is exactly similar to our condition after death.

So the first transition after death is slowly losing awareness of the physical body. Everything else is still intact because none of it is made of matter. All of our awareness, all of our memories, our sense of who we are, are all still with us because losing the body didn't affect them. They are all frequency wave fields connected to an infinite web contained by awareness. This is new paradigm science.

The second transition after death is gradually becoming aware that you are in alternate reality. You already know something about this from your dreams, and your first thought may be that you are dreaming.

Because you are stuck in alternate reality, you adjust to it. You discover that you can summon any reality you want just by thinking about it. You probably spend a while reliving the good times. And then you enjoy your every fantasy. In general, this is based on the science of lucid dreaming, a new paradigm science.

A time probably comes when you get tired of this, and you'll wonder about getting back into the material world. In general, this is based on the science of lucid dreaming.

You can only see the world as it was when you lost your connection because your body senses stopped feeding you information at that point. And up to that point, the signal was progressively weaker. So you don't know what the world is like now. You missed a lot.

Experience patterns are traveling in your personal fields in a figure-8 loop. They stay there, dormant if you don't pay attention to them, and living reality if you do. This means you can experience the wave patterns from your previous incarnations if you pay attention to them. This is easier to do when you're dead because your attention is no longer fixated on material reality.

Since time is so flexible in alternate reality, it is entirely possible that you can choose any point in time for your next incarnation. You can bring wisdom to the past and be a wise person. Or you can lunge into the future where you can participate in the ongoing effort of creating material reality.

Your next incarnation can be designed by you as a morphic field, and you can choose the resonant wavebands you want in your field, by paying attention to them. You can shop through previous incarnations and pick up patterns you'd like to have again. Sometimes, we can bring an outstanding concentration of fields. This is Mozart science. The point is, being conscious; we can direct our attention even without a body.

In many ways, being dead is more interesting than being physically alive. But there are important differences.

You can't make anything continue for long when you're dead because time isn't regulated like it is in material reality. Time is the only thing that makes continuity possible. When you're dead, your lifetimes end and start every few minutes or so, like in a dream. If you want to get back into the arena where you can be involved in creating reality, getting physical is the only way to do it.

You have to have space to act in, space that stays put. When you're dead, space is very changeable. With fixed space, you can move around, and you can map where you are because space is constant.

And you need a choice of projects that you would enjoy working on. You need a whole world, populated with billions of people and items of nature, all involved in some personal endeavor even if that's only survival.

In material reality, it is possible to do. When you're dead, everything is done for you. Just think it and you're there, you're tuned into those patterns. This is good space for getting ideas, but if you ever want to do something with your ideas, you going to need a body in time and space with a world around it.

Yeremiah Hardt

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