Ethical Decisions are getting more difficult to make

Rules to Live by. Ethical Guidelines are more personally held then regular Laws or Rules.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Keep Believing in Yourself and Your Dreams

Every goal that has ever

been reached began with just one step—

and the belief that it could be attained.

Dreams really can come true

but they are most often the result

of hard work, determination and persistence.

When the end of the journey

seems impossible to reach,

remember that all you need to do

is take one more step.

Stay focused on your goal and remember…

each small step will bring you a little closer.

When the road becomes hard to travel

and it feels as if you’ll never reach the end…

look deep inside your heart

and you will find strength

you never knew you had.

Believe in yourself—

and remember that

so many others

believe in you, too.

---Jason Blume

Yeremiah Hardt

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