Ethical Decisions are getting more difficult to make

Rules to Live by. Ethical Guidelines are more personally held then regular Laws or Rules.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Follow Your Dreams

Believe in yourself and all you want to be. Don’t

let what other people say or do make you frown.

Laugh as much as possible. Let in the good times

and get through the bad. Be happy with who and

where you are. You are in the right place and your

heart is leading you on the way to a great

tomorrow. When circumstances seem difficult,

pull though them. This will make you stronger

then you think. The longer you practice the habit

of working toward your dreams, the easier the

journey will become.

You were meant for great things.

Learn as much as possible.

Always follow your dreams.

--Ashley Rice

Let your dreams take you…

to the corner of your smiles,

to the highest of your hopes,

to the windows of your


and to the

most special places your heart

has ever known.

--Carson Wrenn

Yeremiah Hardt

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