Ethical Decisions are getting more difficult to make

Rules to Live by. Ethical Guidelines are more personally held then regular Laws or Rules.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024



Cultivating Hope

We all need hope, especially in today's world. Yes, Covid changed many lives and left people without hope or dreams. It's not a comfortable feeling and can leave you feeling negative about yourself and your future.

Here is one definition of hope: Hope: A belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one's life.

So, where do you find hope? There are so many places you can find it. Believing in yourself and your ability to create your desired life is a great start. Take action so that you will move forward, one choice at a time. There are other ways to find, nurture, and grow hope. Ultimately it's up to you to find it or someone who can help you.

Let's look at a story written by a man who faced a hopeless situation, or so he thought. What happened to change his situation? Dive in here: What Is Hope?

Many individuals can relate to feeling hopeless and finding they do not have not even family support around to help them through their tough moments. We want to give up but don't realize God sends us messages in different ways. This story shows God uses the TV to give him a way out of his situation.

Hope: A belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one's life.

My story:

When my mother took me out of high school, I knew that my life would become difficult because we were taught that you have to have an education to make it in life. Since I was only 16, I really started feeling hopeless in life because I didn't know what I was going to do.

I worked to help my mother pay bills and that was all I could do at the time. Then she started telling me that when I turn 18, I had to get out of the house. I couldn't understand what was going on because my brother was older than I was and she didn't want to kick him out.

As I started nearing my 18th birthday, I was really beginning to feel hopeless because I didn't have an idea on what I was going to do. One night while I was watching television, a commercial came on about joining the Navy.

The next day I called the number on the commercial and set up an appointment to meet the recruiter. When he heard about me not having a high school diploma he knew I had a slim chance. I explained to him that I was going to be homeless in a few months. He told me he would see what he could do.

About a month later he called me and asked me to come to his office. I went in and he explained to me he would have to pull some strings to get me in the service but I had to promise him that I would make the best of this opportunity he was trying to create for me and I did.

He was able to get me in the military without a high school diploma and I fulfilled my end of the bargain by doing eight years and receiving an Honorable Discharge from the service.

Now I have a status in life, that many don't, and an ability to make my life a little easier because of the decision I made and the help I received.

Copyright © 2009 Vernon Samuel

Monday, November 20, 2023


This concept along with peace comes from a place of gratitude and grateful correspondence. It is a flame that has grown throughout time. It shall survive whatever is put againt it. It gets larger and smaller in certain times, but it shall always overcome the obstacles that are set up before it.


Monday, October 23, 2023

Human Conciousness

"Whenever the shelves in the Library of Heavon were entirely full and a new, worthy book appeared all the books in the Celestial temple pressed themselves closer together and made room." A Legend Garland of Letters

Knowledge can never be fully attained. You can have certain aspects of knowledge, but since it is always increasing you can never fully ascertain it.

Their are many different types of intelligences as well as knowledges. Book intelligence, street intelligence, foreign intelligence to name a few. These different types are growing while other new types are immersing.


Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Imagination Station

Every planet in the entire cosmos has at least one imagination station. Within this station anything and everything one imagines can become a reality.

Some planets have maintained there stations throughout eons, while some have just started anew. Every idea held by anyone or any thing adds to the imagination stations. These stations are vast archival libraries that show the mysteries of time as well as space and are in every language known to ever exist.


Thursday, March 26, 2020


We all have this power. Look at all our adventures in the past and how we managed to forgive rather than hold a real grievance. Only you have the power to protect yours and what you see as family and yes even our Earthly as well as cosmic family.

Until we can come to terms with that inner anger we can not reach the magnitudes of grandeur that has been placed at our feet.

It's important to learn from the past, but once it's dealt with, let it go, don't let it consume you. Only you have the power to choose your path, others may influence it, but in the end it your choice to go down that road and embark on that adventure known as life.

Monday, March 2, 2020

What is Love?


Love is what makes the difference in everyone's life. Yes, of course, as a parent you worry. That's natural but don't let it be the overpowering theme of your relationship with your children. You want them to grow up with confidence and self-esteem and you're their first role models.
If you think you messed up, there's still time to fix it. Your children want your love, no matter how old they are. All you have to do is tell them and show them with your actions.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Why not you?

Monday, July 29, 2019

Cutting Through Indecision & Overthinking

I’ve been working with a few people who are very intelligent, very competent, and very talented — but they get stuck in indecision and analysis paralysis.

In effect, overthinking and getting lost in endless options reduces their effectiveness and intelligence by producing inaction.
Taking any action is likely to be better than inaction and indecision, but we can get so caught up in trying to find the perfect decision that we make no decision.
The answer is to cut through the indecision and overthinking with action.
Before we talk about that, let’s look at what’s going on with smart, competent people who get stuck in their beautiful minds.

The Trap of Overthinking

For someone who doesn’t see a lot of possibilities, sometimes a choice is easy — you just choose the one that looks obvious.
But for someone who has an abundance of intelligence, there are many more doors than that. And choosing can seem impossible. So this person starts creating a decision tree in their mind: “If I choose this, then this might happen, which means I need to decide if I want this, and then that might happen … but then this other option brings three more decisions …”
They also will research every option, which leads to more research. It becomes an endless cycle of thinking through options, researching it, and through the research finding even more things to think about. No decision can ever be made!
It’s also impossible to analyze so many endless options, because each option contains a lot of uncertainty — you can never know how each will turn out, how important every factor is, what the probability is of each possibility happening.
The uncertainty in this kind of thinking is what keeps us stuck in indecision. We fear the uncertain outcome, and would rather have cold hard data, and much more certainty.
But we can never have the kind of certainty we’d like. We’d have to run experiments or do scientific research on every single thing before taking action, which means we’ve just missed out on opportunities as we did that research! Spending a lot of time analyzing comes with opportunity cost.
So how do we deal with this? By cutting through the overthinking with action.

Cutting Through with Action

If overthinking can be a trap of indecision, an unsolvable knot … how do we untie it? By cutting through it.
There can be no solving this knot through thinking — it’s thinking that gets us into it. Now, I’m not saying that “thinking is bad” … I believe we should contemplate pros and cons, that we should take a step back from action and get some perspective, see the big picture, consider the deeper Why of what we’re doing. But at some point, we have to say, “Enough!” And then take action.
Setting a limit for thinking can be a good way to do this. “I’m going to spend the next 2 days thinking about it, and then make a decision on Tuesday.” You consider the merits, you do a bit of research, you talk to other people. Then you decide, and take action.
How do you decide when there is no certain answer? You have to just pick something that seems to be the best, given your limited information. It’s like poker — you never have complete information, but have to make a decision based on what you do know, and the most likely outcomes (the likelihood is based on what you know, but you can adjust your mental probabilities with experience).
You start by taking a step back, think about your deeper Why as it relates to this decision … and also what you’re basing this decision on. Is it based on fear? On instant gratification of a desire? These don’t lead to good long-term outcomes, in my experience. The place to come from is long-term benefit — is this a loving action for those you care about, or for yourself?
Then you think about the different factors that weigh into the decision, and how important each are to you. You think about likely outcomes of each possibility (don’t limit yourself to just 2 possibilities), and weigh the probable benefits with the probable costs.
And then finally, you just go with the decision that seems best. Do a quick review of whether this is for the best long-term benefit. And then pull the trigger. Step off the plank.
You cut through all the doubts and fears and hand-wringing that are holding you back, and just dive in.
Get good at this diving in by doing it in small versions:

Write something short and publish it

Take a small action to your long-term dream career or business

Take a small action to be healthier

Declutter one thing that’s easy to decide on, rather than getting stuck on things that are hard for you to make a decision about

What decisions are you stuck on? Can you make a small decision that’s easier, and take action? It might give you more information that helps with the bigger decision. And in the end, the real benefit is practicing taking action without getting caught up in indecision and inaction.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Most Neglected &; Powerful Act of Self-Care

zen habits: The Most Neglected & Powerful Act of Self-Care

The Most Neglected & Powerful Act of Self-Care

By Leo Babauta

Many of us are (rightfully) focused on taking care of our health, eating nourishing whole foods and trying to be active … while meditating and flossing and taking some time of disconnection, away from devices.
These are wonderful acts of self-care, and they are necessary and important.
But there’s one act of self-care that is very often neglected, and it might be even more important than all the others: the practice of loving yourself.
In fact, this is so often neglected that when I mention “loving yourself,” many people don’t know what that means. Many of us have never consciously done it. If we have, it’s so rare as to be a forgotten memory.
But it’s my belief that we should do it throughout the day, like trying to drink 8 glasses of water. We should give ourselves at least 8 doses of loving ourselves every day.
What is this “self-love” (not in the sexual sense)? Imagine pouring out love in your heart to someone you love dearly — what would that feel like? Now try doing the same thing for yourself. That’s self-love, and it’s a completely foreign concept for the vast majority of people.

Why It’s So Important

I coach a number of people, 1-on-1 and in small and large groups — and pretty much everyone I meet is hard on themselves in some way. In some kind of stress and pain. Disappointed in themselves, angry at themselves, constantly feeling inadequate.
Do you relate to this? I think most of us can find a good chunk of this in ourselves.
This is the basic problem that most of us face, every single day. We don’t love big portions of ourselves. We beat ourselves up, all day long. We stress out about uncertainty because we don’t think we’re good enough to deal with it. We don’t trust ourselves to stick to something, because we’ve formed a really bad picture of ourselves over the years. We get angry at ourselves for eating too much, drinking too much alcohol, messing up in a social situation, getting distracted and watching videos or playing video games, and so on and so on. We are harsh on ourselves, and don’t like how we look or who we are, in many ways.
This affects everything in our lives. It makes us more stressed, less happy, anxious, depressed, stuck, procrastinating, less happy in relationships, less focused, more likely to reach for comfort foods or distraction or shopping to comfort ourselves from the stress and pain of being who we are.
But if we could give ourselves love, it would start to heal all of this. Everything could shift. We could deal with uncertainty and chaos and difficulty in a much more resilient way.
Giving ourselves love is such an important act of self-care, and yet is rarely ever done.

How to Give Ourselves Love Regularly

Set reminders for yourself, everywhere you go. Put reminders on your fridge, on your computer, on your phone, on your bathroom mirror, in your car, at your desk, near your TV.
The reminders only need to be two words: “Love yourself.”
When you see the reminder, the act is very simple (even if it doesn’t feel natural to most people yet — give it time):

Pause and feel any stress, pain, self-doubt, anger, frustration, anxiety you might be feeling. Let yourself actually feel it, physically in your body, for just a few moments. It’s OK to feel this.

Now give yourself the balm of love. As weird or silly as it feels, just try it. Imagine first that you are sending love to someone you love very much — your child, your parent, your best friend. Imagine them going through difficulty, and send love from your hear to theirs, hoping to make them better. Notice how that feels in your heart. Now try it for yourself, generating the same feeling in your heart, but sending it to yourself instead.

Feel the love as a healing balm. No matter how little you’re able to generate, feel it wash over your stress, pain, anger, doubt … like a thick, syrupy liquid soothing the pain. Let yourself receive this love like the love you’ve been craving.

It’s that simple. It only takes a few moments — feel your stress and pain, send yourself love, let yourself feel it.
Do it 8 times a day. Or a dozen, if you can.
You need this care. Don’t hold it back from yourself any longer.


Forgiveness is an act of love to the highest degree. This is not an act of cowardice, it is a holy union between you and your mystical energies that created you. It is telling them that piece of mind is important to you. In creating this peace, you say "I am strong enough and the only thing I can change is the way I see things." Only you have the power to make things as great as you want them to be.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Childhood Memories

Why can't life be as it was in our childhood. Remember the stories of mythical creatures we were told? These in fact may be real. Every time you let your aggression reign supreme your given in to your darkness. However every time you love your neighbor as well as your surroundings love wins. Even if you have truth on your side, if you're shoving it down peoples throats, you are as bad as the with the falsehood you are dealing with.


Thursday, June 13, 2019

Why can't we just end this emmence hatred, and begin loving all?

Love should know no bounds, yet we constantly create boundries for it to overcome such as race, sexuality, sexual preferences to name a few. Could we just stop hating and start loving? What would be so wrong with that? We, as a human species, claim to be at the top of the chart, but do we observe other animals fighting over who said this or that, or what you wore this on this day and the list goes on. This is getting way out of hand. We need to start loving all. Some people say it can't be done, we are too divided, but I think we are up for the challenge. We got through worse. So nothing can get in our way.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Keep Believing in Yourself and Your Dreams

Every goal that has ever

been reached began with just one step—

and the belief that it could be attained.

Dreams really can come true

but they are most often the result

of hard work, determination and persistence.

When the end of the journey

seems impossible to reach,

remember that all you need to do

is take one more step.

Stay focused on your goal and remember…

each small step will bring you a little closer.

When the road becomes hard to travel

and it feels as if you’ll never reach the end…

look deep inside your heart

and you will find strength

you never knew you had.

Believe in yourself—

and remember that

so many others

believe in you, too.

---Jason Blume

Yeremiah Hardt

Follow Your Dreams

Believe in yourself and all you want to be. Don’t

let what other people say or do make you frown.

Laugh as much as possible. Let in the good times

and get through the bad. Be happy with who and

where you are. You are in the right place and your

heart is leading you on the way to a great

tomorrow. When circumstances seem difficult,

pull though them. This will make you stronger

then you think. The longer you practice the habit

of working toward your dreams, the easier the

journey will become.

You were meant for great things.

Learn as much as possible.

Always follow your dreams.

--Ashley Rice

Let your dreams take you…

to the corner of your smiles,

to the highest of your hopes,

to the windows of your


and to the

most special places your heart

has ever known.

--Carson Wrenn

Yeremiah Hardt

Success is What Happens When You Don’t Give up on Your Dreams

Your dreams are

just around the corner—

waiting to come true.

Believe in yourself

and know your hard work,

persistence, and dedication

will pay off.

And when they do…
They will be extra sweet
Because you will know
you have earned your reward.
May you achieve

all that you wish for – and more. –Jason Blume

Yeremiah Hardt


It is impossible to take freedom away from someone. Even if you hold their body in shackles, you cannot stop their imagination from moving beyond their immediate prison and to the world of thought. The body is much weaker then the mind is. However, we do not see all that the mind creates, whereas the physical body creates aspects of the real world, it cannot be said that the ideas that the mind puts in motion are not real as well.


Yeremiah Hardt

Life's Remedy

Grief is an easy aspect to overcome. Creativity is a way to overcome this.

Creativity can remedy many of life’s situations, from grief to anxiety.

There are always the same choices in life. You can take things positively or negativity.


Yeremiah Hardt

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Keep Believing in Yourself and Your Dreams

Make Your Greatest Dreams Come True

Know that you are bright, talented, and creative. You have a spirit of adventure and an intense desire to make the world better. You are driven to reach dreams that will make your future so much brighter. You have an inner spark that kindles a light in everyone your life touches.

You are a precious gift to the present and the future, and you must never forget this. Keep on flying with your highest dreams, and believe that they will carry you where you want to go. Say “Yes” to challenges, and dare to make those big, bold dreams come true.

Keep your good character, high ideals, and deepest passions alive. Fly on the wings of your talents and your mightiest dreams. Strive to change the world one day at a time. And make your greatest dreams come true. --Jacqueline Schiff

Yeremiah Hardt

Color Psychology

Color Psychology

Do different colors affect your mood?

by David Johnson

Related Links

• Color Psychology Quiz

• Color: Psychology, Symbolism, and Interesting Facts

• What is Color?

• What Colors Mean - from

• Color Blindness

• Academic Colors

• Kandinsky, Wassily

• Color Printing

• Astronomical Color

Like death and taxes, there is no escaping color. It is ubiquitous. Yet what does it all mean? Why are people more relaxed in green rooms? Why do weightlifters do their best in blue gyms?

Colors often have different meanings in various cultures. And even in Western societies, the meanings of various colors have changed over the years. But today in the U.S., researchers have generally found the following to be accurate.


Black is the color of authority and power. It is popular in fashion because it makes people appear thinner. It is also stylish and timeless. Black also implies submission. Priests wear black to signify submission to God. Some fashion experts say a woman wearing black implies submission to men. Black outfits can also be overpowering, or make the wearer seem aloof or evil. Villains, such as Dracula, often wear black.


Brides wear white to symbolize innocence and purity. White reflects light and is considered a summer color. White is popular in decorating and in fashion because it is light, neutral, and goes with everything. However, white shows dirt and is therefore more difficult to keep clean than other colors. Doctors and nurses wear white to imply sterility.


The most emotionally intense color, red stimulates a faster heartbeat and breathing. It is also the color of love. Red clothing gets noticed and makes the wearer appear heavier. Since it is an extreme color, red clothing might not help people in negotiations or confrontations. Red cars are popular targets for thieves. In decorating, red is usually used as an accent. Decorators say that red furniture should be perfect since it will attract attention.

The most romantic color, pink, is more tranquilizing. Sports teams sometimes paint the locker rooms used by opposing teams bright pink so their opponents will lose energy.


The color of the sky and the ocean, blue is one of the most popular colors. It causes the opposite reaction as red. Peaceful, tranquil blue causes the body to produce calming chemicals, so it is often used in bedrooms. Blue can also be cold and depressing. Fashion consultants recommend wearing blue to job interviews because it symbolizes loyalty. People are more productive in blue rooms. Studies show weightlifters are able to handle heavier weights in blue gyms.


Currently the most popular decorating color, green symbolizes nature. It is the easiest color on the eye and can improve vision. It is a calming, refreshing color. People waiting to appear on TV sit in "green rooms" to relax. Hospitals often use green because it relaxes patients. Brides in the Middle Ages wore green to symbolize fertility. Dark green is masculine, conservative, and implies wealth. However, seamstresses often refuse to use green thread on the eve of a fashion show for fear it will bring bad luck.


Cheerful sunny yellow is an attention getter. While it is considered an optimistic color, people lose their tempers more often in yellow rooms, and babies will cry more. It is the most difficult color for the eye to take in, so it can be overpowering if overused. Yellow enhances concentration, hence its use for legal pads. It also speeds metabolism.


The color of royalty, purple connotes luxury, wealth, and sophistication. It is also feminine and romantic. However, because it is rare in nature, purple can appear artificial.


Solid, reliable brown is the color of earth and is abundant in nature. Light brown implies genuineness while dark brown is similar to wood or leather. Brown can also be sad and wistful. Men are more apt to say brown is one of their favorite colors.

Colors of the Flag

In the U.S. flag, white stands for purity and innocence. Red represents valor and hardiness, while blue signifies justice, perseverance, and vigilance. The stars represent the heavens and all the good that people strive for, while the stripes emulate the sun's rays.

Food for Thought

While blue is one of the most popular colors it is one of the least appetizing. Blue food is rare in nature. Food researchers say that when humans searched for food, they learned to avoid toxic or spoiled objects, which were often blue, black, or purple. When food dyed blue is served to study subjects, they lose appetite.

Green, brown, and red are the most popular food colors. Red is often used in restaurant decorating schemes because it is an appetite stimulant.


Yeremiah Hardt

Balence Sheet of Life

Balance Sheet of Life

Our Birth is our Opening Balance!

Our Death is our Closing Balance!

Our Prejudiced Views are our Liabilities

Our Creative Ideas are our Assets

Heart is our Current Asset

Soul is our Fixed Asset

Brain is our Fixed Deposit

Thinking is our Current Account

Achievements are our Capital Character & Morals, our Stock-in-Trade

Friends are our General Reserves

Values & Behavior are our Goodwill

Patience is our Interest Earned

Love is our Dividend

Children are our Bonus Issues

Education is Brands / Patents

Knowledge is our Investment

Experience is our Premium Account

The Aim is to Tally the Balance Sheet Accurately.

The Goal is to get the Best Presented Accounts Award.

Some very Good and Very bad things


The most destructive habit....... ......... ......Worry

The greatest Joy......... ......... ......... ....Giving

The greatest loss........ ........Loss of self-respect

The most satisfying work........ .......Helping others

The ugliest personality trait....... ......Selfishnes s

The most endangered species..... ....Dedicated leaders

Our greatest natural resource.... ......... ..Our youth

The greatest "shot in the arm"........ ..Encouragement

The greatest problem to overcome.... ......... ....Fear

The most effective sleeping pill........ Peace of mind

The most crippling failure disease..... .......Excuses

The most powerful force in life........ ......... .Love

The most dangerous pariah...... ......... ...A gossiper

The world's most incredible computer.... ....The brain

The worst thing to be without..... ......... ..... Hope

The deadliest weapon...... ......... ........The tongue

The two most power-filled words....... ........" I Can"

The greatest asset....... ......... ......... .....Faith

The most worthless emotion..... ......... ....Self- pity

The most beautiful attire...... ......... .......SMILE!

The most prized possession.. ......... .....Integrity

The most powerful channel of communication. ....Prayer

The most contagious spirit...... ......... ..Enthusiasm

The most important thing in life........ ..SOURCE ENERGY

Yeremiah Hardt


Awareness is the first thing ever and it is everywhere.

Awareness is so permanent that it is older than the universe.

Awareness is a single thing and it cannot change in any way.

This is Awareness Theory, based on discoveries of new paradigm science.

Awareness can only do one thing and that is to be aware. When frequency wave fields pass through awareness, they become real in material reality. This is new paradigm science. But we already know this because that's exactly what we experience, with light and sound waves and such.

In particular, awareness doesn't die. When we die, our awareness doesn't die because it cannot. It is as alive as ever. It is the same awareness that is everywhere.

Our bodies die, and we can learn something from that. Our bodies have morphic fields of frequency wave patterns that describe our bodies in detail. These morphic fields manifest in material reality as our physical bodies. This is new paradigm science.

When we die, the connection between the physical body and its morphic field is broken. That connection is our awareness of our body. When we are aware of our body, we resonate with its morphic field. Contact with awareness is what makes a wave field become real. This is new paradigm science.

When this connection is broken, when we start losing awareness of our bodies (die) for whatever reason, the morphic fields for our bodies lose resonance and begin to deteriorate. We know a lot about how long this process takes from observing corpses. This means that the morphic field that is manifesting that corpse very slowly loses resonance with our awareness and that our departure from our body is very gradual.

The experience of death does not take anything away from who you are. It shows you that you are not the physical body. We experience this lack of awareness of our bodies every time we sleep. We experience wonderful dreams in sleep, without awareness of our bodies. This is exactly similar to our condition after death.

So the first transition after death is slowly losing awareness of the physical body. Everything else is still intact because none of it is made of matter. All of our awareness, all of our memories, our sense of who we are, are all still with us because losing the body didn't affect them. They are all frequency wave fields connected to an infinite web contained by awareness. This is new paradigm science.

The second transition after death is gradually becoming aware that you are in alternate reality. You already know something about this from your dreams, and your first thought may be that you are dreaming.

Because you are stuck in alternate reality, you adjust to it. You discover that you can summon any reality you want just by thinking about it. You probably spend a while reliving the good times. And then you enjoy your every fantasy. In general, this is based on the science of lucid dreaming, a new paradigm science.

A time probably comes when you get tired of this, and you'll wonder about getting back into the material world. In general, this is based on the science of lucid dreaming.

You can only see the world as it was when you lost your connection because your body senses stopped feeding you information at that point. And up to that point, the signal was progressively weaker. So you don't know what the world is like now. You missed a lot.

Experience patterns are traveling in your personal fields in a figure-8 loop. They stay there, dormant if you don't pay attention to them, and living reality if you do. This means you can experience the wave patterns from your previous incarnations if you pay attention to them. This is easier to do when you're dead because your attention is no longer fixated on material reality.

Since time is so flexible in alternate reality, it is entirely possible that you can choose any point in time for your next incarnation. You can bring wisdom to the past and be a wise person. Or you can lunge into the future where you can participate in the ongoing effort of creating material reality.

Your next incarnation can be designed by you as a morphic field, and you can choose the resonant wavebands you want in your field, by paying attention to them. You can shop through previous incarnations and pick up patterns you'd like to have again. Sometimes, we can bring an outstanding concentration of fields. This is Mozart science. The point is, being conscious; we can direct our attention even without a body.

In many ways, being dead is more interesting than being physically alive. But there are important differences.

You can't make anything continue for long when you're dead because time isn't regulated like it is in material reality. Time is the only thing that makes continuity possible. When you're dead, your lifetimes end and start every few minutes or so, like in a dream. If you want to get back into the arena where you can be involved in creating reality, getting physical is the only way to do it.

You have to have space to act in, space that stays put. When you're dead, space is very changeable. With fixed space, you can move around, and you can map where you are because space is constant.

And you need a choice of projects that you would enjoy working on. You need a whole world, populated with billions of people and items of nature, all involved in some personal endeavor even if that's only survival.

In material reality, it is possible to do. When you're dead, everything is done for you. Just think it and you're there, you're tuned into those patterns. This is good space for getting ideas, but if you ever want to do something with your ideas, you going to need a body in time and space with a world around it.

Yeremiah Hardt

21 Rules of Life

1. Merry the right person. This one decision will determine 90% of your happiness or misery.

2. Work at something you enjoy and that’s worthy of your time and talent.

3. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.

4. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.

5. Be forgiving of yourself and others.

6. Be generous.

7. Have a grateful heart.

8. Persistence, persistence, persistence.

9. Discipline yourself to save money on even the most modest salary.

10. Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated.

11. Commit yourself to constant improvement.

12. Commit yourself to quality.

13. Understand that happiness is not based on possessions, power or prestige,

but on relationships with people you love and respect.

14. Be loyal.

15. Be honest.

16. Be a self-starter

17. Be decisive even if it means you’ll sometimes be wrong.

18. Stop blaming others. Take responsibility for every area of your life.

19. Be bold and courageous. When you look back on your life, you’ll regret the things you didn’t do more than the ones you did.

20. Take good care of those you love.

21. Don’t do anything that wouldn’t make your Mom proud. .

Yeremiah Hardt

Ten Rules For Ending Resentment


FIRST: When anyone hurts you, put "spiritual iodine" on the wound at once. That is, pray hard about it. If you do not do this it will fester.

SECOND: If resentment has hardened in your thoughts, apply grievance drainage. That is, open your mind and let the grievance flow out.

THIRD: Do this by unburdening yourself to a trusted counselor or write a letter to the person against whom you have the resentment. Then tear it up and while holding the pieces in your hand pray for the person and forgive them.

FOURTH: Become fully aware of the harm resentment can do to you, even to making you ill. Think of that whenever a hate thought comes.

FIFTH: Don't stop with forgiving a time or two. Do it, if necessary, seventy times seven---490 times to be literal.

SIXTH: Thinking about forgiving is not enough. You must come to a specific moment when you say "With God's help I now forgive."

SEVENTH: Repeat the Lord's Prayer inserting your offender's name, "Forgive me my trespasses as I forgive..........."

EIGHTH: Pray for the other person, asking specific blessings for them, especially concerning matters which have previously annoyed you the most.

NINTH: Speak in a kindly and complimentary manner and as often as possible about the person against whom you harbor antagonism.

TENTH: Make a sincere study of the personality factors which created an unhappy relationship so that the "mistake pattern" in yourself may not recur.

Yeremiah Hardt

10 Earth Saving Tips

1. Recycle as a Family

As a family we recycle what we can. We separate out glass, plastic, cardboard, cans, and newspapers, taking it down to our recycling centre when we are passing it--no point in using the petrol to make a special journey there as that would defeat the object of the exercise! We also turn off the TV standby button, and switch off unnecessary lights, just our small bit to try to save our precious planet for our grandchildren!
2. Get Unplugged
Unplug! There are many, many things around the house that are plugged in and draining little bits of energy round the clock, without even being "on"--i.e., your TV/VCR/Stereo/DVD player, computer, microwave, battery charger, anything else with a constant display (clock) or some sort of programming that resets when the power goes out. Unplug them until you are ready to use them and forego the convenience of the programming if possible, or use a power strip and turn it off, thus unplugging many things at the flick of a switch (great for the entertainment center).
3. Teach Kids About Nature
I've always had a love affair with nature, but now that I have a child, I am spending a lot of pondering time in it. In walks to the park I feel a sense of enchantment, awakened by my daughter's wonder. We explore flowers, trees, and rocks. After our outings, I feel peaceful, connected, and refreshed. She leaves with a smile on her face and a calm that silently bonds us. I am starting to understand the deep impact nature has, and the responsibility I carry with my choices. I have recently started using environmental diapers, recycling diligently, and buying natural products.

I don't want to lose my connection to earth; and I see that in making conscious choices, I can help my daughter understand that in nourishing the earth; we are in turn nourishing ourselves.
4. Go Hybrid
I don't know how possible this is, but my idea is for the government to order all car manufacturers to make only hybrid cars from now on. No more cars that run on just gas. That way every person buying a new car will be buying a hybrid, and in a matter of just a few years, the percentage of hybrid cars to gas cars will be much higher.
5. Walk Lightly on the Earth
Lead by your life's example. If you are concerned with the effects of pollution, overconsumption, encroachment, extinction, etc., you must start by "walking lightly" on the earth. Be more aware of how your choices impact the world. Make transportation choices that consume less energy (e.g. walk, ride, public transit, carpool). Learn to distinguish what you need from what you desire, and then make intelligent choices based upon how much utility you gain. Take some of the money you save from the above exercise and use it to support groups that are making a difference.
6. Garden Naturally
I have five composters. The resulting compost feeds my many gardens and my decreasing patches of sod. I grow fruits and vegetables and freeze and can as much as I'm able....I don't use air-conditioning in the summer, use natural gas for heat, cooking and clothes drying in the winter (in the summer we air-dry mainly); recycle my gray water for plant watering in the summer, collect rainwater in a barrel.
7. B.Y.O. Grocery Bags
In our country here Down Under, there has been a movement to introduce reusable shopping bags instead of giving people the usual plastic bags for groceries. The reusable bag, which is made of some lightweight sort of fibre, costs $1.00, and you can put a lot of groceries in them. They have become very, very popular here, and it is like a badge of honour to carry one. In fact, although you can still get a plastic bag for your groceries if you want, the checkers in our supermarkets in our mall always ask customers if they wouldn't rather buy a resuable.
8. Hop on Your Bike
As much as possible I commute on my motorbike; 65 MPG. Speeds, even on the highway, are kept down. The car & motorbike live by the WWII adage: "Is this trip really necessary?" As much as possible I take the bicycle instead. For recreation I bicycle, sail or paddle instead of motor.

9. Clean with Green
I try to clean with "green" products. I noticed that many regular household cleansers were actually bringing irritants into my home. I could hardly breathe and my eyes would burn. And then once released down the drain or thrown in the trash, I realized they would wreak their own special havoc on eco-systems. So now I try to use products made by companies like Seventh Generation--or I just wash windows with vinegar and newspaper, scrub the tub with baking soda and water.

10. Eat Less Meat
I'm not a vegetarian (yet)...but I'm cutting back on my meat consumption and eating more organic produce. Most of the deforestation in the world is caused by fields cleared for livestock grazing. Cows' methane is a huge contributor to global warming, and the amount of resources it takes to feed one cow could grow many times more grains and vegetables. So it's not just the ethics of eating meat, but even cutting down our consumption can make a huge impact.

Yeremiah Hardt

Friday, February 12, 2010

Chicken or the Egg?

Which came first? Awareness or love? Chickens wake up faster than humans but, with limited potential! Chickens are generally raised with no love and, lots of human awareness of how much $$ they can produce eggs or meat! 'Chicken abuse’ is favored by ‘so called’ humans who claim they live in awareness. Watch a ‘chicken raising’ video if in doubt. Most human babies are raised in a loving environment with ‘mother love’ or, these days, maybe even ‘gay love’!

Human babies are the least capable of fending for themselves of all animals in the sea or on land. Human babies are born with unconscious love and unconscious awareness that takes years, at best if ever, to develop into something that allows them to be the ‘Buddha’ or Christ that all would aspire to. All animals are dependent on some kind of love and awareness even if it’s to just ‘fatten them up for the killing to eat’. Humans slobber at the thought of eating chicken, unconscious that someone else ‘de-feathered’ and chopped it up to earn a buck to pay for the chicken killers ‘shanty shack’ and, supporting the kids. All for the chicken lovers (?) ‘unconscious’ glee.

What is best to have - awareness or love? Why make a decision and, not take both with ‘consciousness’?! The mind can have a certain awareness that the heart cannot and vice versa. Put them together and, intelligence is uncovered. This society is ‘mentally oriented’ to work and buy, buy, buy. LIfe becomes ‘fried’ to the heart. We are a society of ‘window shoppers’. The few who are here to ‘entertain’ the window shoppers, especially those vast majority who don’t find the ‘innertainment’, uh .. . ‘within’!

With ‘awareness’ one can find all about ‘chickens’. With love and awareness about chickens, one might use conscious intelligence and, respect for the chickens! Why not?

It might rub off on respect for the self and all the gifts within that are endlessly overlooked! Intelligence is actually still free! It just takes a lots of awareness and love!

Why be chicken? Chickens can’t meditate but, humans can!

Yeremiah Hardt

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Atttude about Life

Our Attitude Defines Life,

Life is best for those who want to live it,

Life is worst for those who want analyze it,

Life is difficult for those who want to for those who want to criticize it.

Our attitude defines life,

Enjoy your life,

Laugh so hard that even sorrow smiles at you,

Live life so well that even death loves to see you alive,

Fight so hard that even that even fate accepts its defeat….

Yeremiah Hardt

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Free Thinkers

To think freely is the most magnificent gift that we all hold. Life is all about our thinking freely, we gain strength from it. We are truly living by having freedom of thought. No one can capture your thought, and take it from you. It always exists.

Thought is life. When you think about something, you create alternative ways to to perceive reality.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Teaching and Learning

It is wise to view teaching and learning as one in the same. After all teachers, learn as much from student, as students learn from teachers.

In essence we all learn from experiences that we have as well as others experiences also. Life could be viewed as a constant learning experience. Every obstacle you overcome or do not overcome, you gain wisdom and knowledge which in essence is power.

Knowledge is power, so everything you know is an attribute to your power. Everything you consume makes you powerful or better equips you to use as to show that power as miraculously as you desire. All we have to acquire is patience.

Everything is available through patience. It is more than virtuous, it is a necessity a necessity for wisdom. To achieve much of anything requires vast amounts of it. In essence patience is a focal point for teaching, learning and wisdom.

Wisdom changes from time to time. Adaptation is truly wise in all that you teach and lean. Reception as well as perception of wisdom is necessary throughout our learning as well as our teachings.

Interaction is the key. With interaction it is easy to share thought that we have learned from one another. You should remain as open as possible to all thought, no matter how ridiculous they may seem at the moment. You may be able to use them in the future.

It does not matter if someone else uses them, for as long as they get used, that is all that is important. Usage of thought is of great importance. In fact without thought, we will not be here

Life being short

Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about the one's who don't. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it. Friends/family are like balloons: once you let them go, you can't get them back. So I'm gonna tie you to my heart so I never lose you. Send this to all your friends/family including me and see how many you get back. If four balloons are returned to you, something you have been waiting for a long time will happen!!!! Send a lot of little balloons!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Black & White

In life, a lesson learned in your past that you will never forget completely.When I was in elementary school, I got into a major argument with a boy in my class. I have forgotten what the argument was about, but I have never forgotten the lesson learned that day.

I was convinced that "I" was right and "he" was wrong - and he was just as convinced that "I" was wrong and "he" was right.

The teacher decided to teach us a very important lesson. She brought us up to the front of the class and placed him on one side of her desk and me on the other. In the middle of her desk was a large, round object. I could clearly see that it was black. She asked the boy what color the object was. "White," he answered.

I couldn't believe he said the object was white, when it was obviously black! Another argument started between my classmate and me, this time about the color of the object.

The teacher told me to go stand where the boy was standing and told him to come stand where I had been. We changed places, and now she asked me what the color of the object was. I had to answer, "White." It was an object with two differently colored sides, and from his viewpoint it was white. Only from my side was it black.

My teacher taught me a very important lesson learned that day: You must stand in the other person's shoes and look at the situation through their eyes in order to truly understand their perspective .

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Flame of Life

Certain people have a flame which is very unique. Their energies surround all who are around them. They are usually pleasant to be around. You can feel the warmth in their presence.

It is so strong that it just draws people in. however, sometimes this sensation is too hard to bear, where happiness is challenged by friendship. Love has a difficult time emulating into existence.

Love is a difficult stance to accomplish anyways, but with these perspectives it is far more challenging. The flame of life is constantly burning brighter and exceeding in strength.

The flame of life leads to the love which we all share. We all add to this flame with all that we set out to accomplish, even if we end up accomplishing something completely different in the end. The flame of life is not free of distractive aspirations, which in turn lead us on many unique journeys that define the very essence of life.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Aspect of Life

It is not the cards you are dealt but what you do with them that count. It does not matter, how you intercede in life, it's all what you do with what you have.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Tired of Fighting

Every interaction seems to involve arguing, and that is probably why most of us are tired. It takes lots of energy to fight, than to live with good intentions with everyone and everything. You will not lose who you are but you will gain time to be more by gaining years on your life when you relax. Any time you feel anger or stress coming just get away from what makes you feel that way.


Health is one of the truest forms of wealth. Health brings life, which is the ultimate source of gratitude. It brings us greatness as well as clarity, within any given time of the status of every life it reaches.

Wealth eases the prosperity of life as well as the health which always does occur within. However it should not ever cost anything to be as healthy as possible.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Nothing is untraceable. Everything leaves some sort of mark. It may not be that exact, but it is a mark nonetheless. The mark it leaves is able to be traced to it. It takes a longer time to find if it seems untraceable. However it can be found.

Tracks that are left may wither away as time goes on. They always make a path for you to follow. This road may not be the easiest, however it is something. You can trace what you are looking for but that doesn’t always mean you will find it.

Friday, January 1, 2010


There are prisons in all as aspects of life. Structures are manmade are easy to overcome. Invisibility in arrangement is curiosity as well as extremely mysterious.

When you are able to see the structure you have control over your surroundings. Control is actually another form of a prison.

Imperceptibility prisons are not finite in their ability to keep everything it inside of it. There is no prison strong enough to hold any idea. There are always unobserved aspects throughout all existence that no imprisonment can withhold.

The more you try to bother some ideas the more strongly the problems entail.


It’s kind of funny how everyone thinks they have the worst life, when in reality life is a gift so we all should cherish the time we have. We should also have the most splendid time this very moment. It should be one of the happiest moments within your life.

No one is able to compare their lives to anyone else’s. We all have different points of views as well as value that differ greatly.

Finding Fun

What do we need to find? Do we need to find fun? Fun will find us if we allow it to. When you allow fun in, you can accomplish way more, because your increase of energy that you get.

This occurrences multiples at an increased velocity the longer it exist. These increase for your allowing the motivation to take effect. You are in charge of this motivation, through which your accomplishments are noticeably increased.

These aspects that are increased motivate new ideas which reciprocate the process. The reciprocation is addicting which produces happiness in such great effect.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Truthfulness: Have human beings lost this ability?

Has civilized man, and the term is used loosely, lost their capability of being truthful to one another and their families? It is a great strength to be loyal, obedient, and able to get things done at work, however we so often need those qualities in our full life as well as our work life. The question I’m posing here boils down to can we are as patient at home as we are at work? We need to feel as well as show vast amounts of love as well as all its attachments.

Sure money can buy a nice house or car and every other material possession you want and need, however it cannot buy you love or a family despite its power. Love is present there for a limited time and it may or may not be authentic. We have to consider that money and authentic love do not mix well together at all. Unfortunately we are too much of a capitalist society to see that money and the unending thirst for it is at an all out war with authentic love. The scary thing is love is losing the battle because of all the stigmas and other dishonorable deeds to make money that this society has done to attain money.

Basically money should not have that effect on love, or at least not that much. If we do this we all will be happy? Happiness is what life is meant to be.

Feelings are really important. It is important to express them while maintaining control over them. When a feeling gets into us it is best to express it right there or at least writes about it, thus releasing it as well. If we do not, like most other things, the longer we wait, the sharper the tongue gets.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Where the Wild Things Are

They are in our heads. The adventures we constantly go through in our life start in our minds. Imagination takes flight to anywhere.

It has no limitations of characteristics or magical thought. It can take you to infinity and beyond.

The mind is a powerful resource that never loses power and always has imagination to produce magical wonders of magnificent amount. The imagination can withstand whatever obstacles we put forth in our own world and brighten all the worlds we are involved in as well as keep us young at heart always and forever.
When they die off, that is a real shame, because that means we are growing up to be adults. When we lose them all we fully transition into another reality.

Trust Life

Trust life

It is extremely difficult to build a strong connection with another being without trust. Trust is needed more and more throughout life. Romance needs way more trust than a friendship. The higher the vulnerability level the more the trust will be an issue.

It is very difficult to build a good relationship. A connection with another human being is impossible as well as in conceivable without trust.

Trust is earned, not given freely, it is a very difficult to receive as well as to initiate. One of the hardest and most fragile things within all relation is trust. If you do not have any trust not only in others but yourself most importantly you will find yourself in misery as well as alone. Every living entity in and throughout all existence has that choice.

Trust is a necessity for all to survive. You trust in your knowledge of the importance of issues that you hold most dear

It is extremely difficult to build a strong connection with another being without trust. Trust is needed more and more throughout life. Romance needs way more trust than a friendship. The higher the vulnerability level the more the trust will be an issue.

It is very difficult to build a good relationship. A connection with another human being is impossible as well as in conceivable without trust.
Trust is earned, not given freely, it is a very difficult to receive as well as to initiate. One of the hardest and most fragile things within all relation is trust. If you do not have any trust not only in others but yourself most importantly you will find yourself in misery as well as alone. Every living entity in and throughout all existence has that choice.
Trust is a necessity for all to survive. You trust in your knowledge of the importance of issues that you hold most dear


The best way to describe the human spirit is in trusting others. This is the basis for all the interactions we have. The human spirit is a battery is a sense. It has energy; however it can only work efficiently when it is fully charged.

It needs sleeps well as other aspects within life. This being the most primitive thing that has to be learned early in life. If it is not fully learned early enough in life, all obstacles will obstruct us all and prevent us to overcome the most fundamental of all situation's which socialization is.

No matter if socialization is learned without trust it has mass difficulties.

These difficulties if left unchecked could devastate or even kill all that come in contact with. It can almost kill all of life as well as love the most powerful force of all.

This needs to be gained through yourself first. Trust has to be acquired through expect and kindness. It cannot be made through suspicion and hate.

Anger is the deception leverage that trust can defeat, however this is very difficult. It takes a whole lot of trust to overcome anger. Trust is so fragile, but when teamed with other attributes, such as love it can defeat anger, within a nanosecond.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Why do we as a people of the planet put our self’s through such ordeals for recognition? We put ourselves through this torture to prove that we are the best in a certain field. But who do we prove it to? Not yourself. You already know your potential. It does not affect your environment. It may give you a tiny bit more respect in your community. If that’s worth the turmoil you have to go through to receive it, it’s good for you.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


The more we procrastinate the more time we lose. Time is precious, so do not procrastinate so much, trust others to handle problems by themselves. That is why they achieve the goal your team is trying to achieve.

Together we are capable of accomplishing feats no matter how magnimous or complex they may seem.

This is one mystery of nature. It is an endless loop. For it has no beginning or end.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Memories are very powerful. They have more power then we give them credit. They can lead us to situations that we do not want to be in sometimes. They can be manipulated the same way any other things. Hopefully they can never cause such harm as unconsciousness.

Through all the business of life our memories are the most vital human attribute. This is because without them we would be lost, so lost that we could not be found in our own memories. This has extreme meaning to us all.

For none of us want to be alone, even if we feel that way at time socially we can take some time and then get back into the game of life.

This is mainly because we are so persistent. We have many outlet. So many sometimes confusion sets in. That is when time plays an important role.

It takes an important role because we allow it to. We could all use more of it though, so does it really matter how long it takes you to complete a task.

The time it takes along with the effort you make to complete anything is the most valued assets. Time and effort are valuable together.

That is very complex thinking. As long as we all remember that we should be

fine. However, would it be a problem if we were to forget it all and start at

the beginning. No, as long as the effort was there and the time that was given, was equal in strength.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Let Go Of Your Control

Have you ever wondered why we are so nervous or constantly wanting?

You are seeking something, but what?

Nothing satisfies our hunger until we know what we are hungry for. That's the trouble we are all so distracted that until we are not we cannot focus. We are like children in school only worse. We cannot move forward until we are in completion with our past.

We all have to be in completion with it all or we cannot move on. We will go in a circle over and over until we reach completion.
We cannot pick and choose our battles as well as what we are in completion with. There is no right or wrong path in this adventure we call life, even if we all agree that there are. The word of man can never exceed the natural law.
We all should just relax and enjoy the ride, let it live through you and not against you. One of the biggest calamities within the world is that we all take it too seriously and make conflicts where there need not be any. We all have to let it be and just enjoy the ride.

Letting Go

All animals, more often than not have to let go of everything. So why, do we as a species, view it as such a predicament.

We should treat our problems, as a snake treats its skin. It is viewed as important for a time. However, when its over its over. We should remember the past; however not treat it with such importance as the future.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Little oddities in life make life worth living. Although sometimes it gets to be so much and we become tremendously scared. The weird thing is the human spirit is extremely redundant and it can take as excruciating amount of pain as well as pressure.
So it is almost like a like a scale, except we never know when we are exceeding the limit. So there are basically two ways to live.
Everything is not actively positive or negativity negative. There is one more thing in these ways of living. The other shades of emotion realities. There is not just black which, equal negative as well as white which would equal positive.

Quest For Truth

Every gift comes with a curse, known or not. How we perceive the gift is in many ways of detriment to our consciousness.

It makes all the difference if we observe them as this. Everything has extremely many points of view. As long as we observe that every situation has many ways of being observed, life will be way easier.

The importance of taking all views into consideration is one of the most valued things that we could ever do. It causes our mind to be open as well as new possibilities to emerge.

All truths have different perspective of which they could be veiwed. They have many more angles of which we can see them. In fact this is extremely mysterious and possibly could expand with every involved party who are with taking interest within the situation.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ever Wonder

Why the sun lightens our hair, but darkens our skin?

Why women can't put on mascara with their mouth closed?

Why don't you ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"?

Why is "abbreviated" such a long word?

Why is it that doctors call what they do "practice"?

Why is it that to stop Windows 98, you have to click on "Start"?

Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons?

Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker?

Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour?

Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?

When dog food is new and improved tasting, who tests it?

Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes?

Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections?

You know that indestructible black box that is used on airplanes? Why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff??

Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?

Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?

If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?

If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Let Go of Your Control

Have you ever wondered why we are so nervous or constantly wanting? You are seeking something, but what?

Nothing satisfies our hunger until we know what we are hungry for. That's the trouble we are all so distracted that until we are not we cannot focus. We are like children in school only worse. We cannot move forward until we are in completion with our past. We all have to be in completion with it all or we cannot move on. We will go in a circle over and over until we reach completion.

We cannot pick and choose our battles as well as what we are in completion with. There is no right or wrong path in this adventure we call life, even if we all agree that there are. The word of man can never exceed the natural law.

We all should just relax and enjoy the ride, let it live through you and not against you. One of the biggest calamities within the world is that we all take it too seriously and make conflicts where there need not be any. We all have to let it be and just enjoy the ride.


Everything happens for a reason. All you have to do is let it happen and believe that it is happening for the correct reason. It will just flow from you. It will also bring immense joy if you only belief.
Humor is a good attribute no matter what. By relieving tension it brings clarity to you, which has its own relevance. It also makes life worth living; because the more fun you have the more energy you get to live a great life.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Speak Up

In this world it is important to communicate ideas. You have to communicate in a common language in order for full socialization to take place. It's very important for your ideas to be heard.

Ideas need to be maintained by a language common to a group. This is extremely important. Without full understanding socialization cannot be completed. Since we all need to communicate as well as socialize, we should all know the language of the majority within the area we reside.

This is extremely important, so frustration does not occur. Frustration builds up from lack of receptive communication as well as projective communication.

Frustration escalates to arguments which lead us to conflicts. It is a never ending circle which starts from misunderstandings of communication.

We extremely have a vast degree of misunderstandings in the world, especially when the resolution is as simple adapting communicational structures. That being the case, if and when that is alleviated who knows what we can create as well as achieve.

Smile for Miles

When you smile; most, if not all of the people surrounding you smile as well.

However, the one that does not smile authentically is the one that needs to smile more often.
This is as fundamental as seeing something you want and receiving it. The point is precisely this, that smiling is the best defense we have. It is good now as in all time.

Although through it all being so difficult to make sense of all you want to, it makes a simple smile more relevant. It is getting so complex that life is not as fun to live any more, in any way. That is why the world seems to be individualizing itself more so than in the past.

We have to choose to verbally communicate no matter how much technology advances. It does not matter how brief or long winded our ideas get. Time is always relative; if it takes an exuberant amount, why not let it.

Your understanding is important as well. That is why time is crucial. Our attention span is getting shorter; however are ideas are getting so complex as well as extraordinary no media is capable of recognizing this.
Every point that you are interested in, means that you will have a better time in your life. It does however add complexity, in the aspects that relate to it throughout your life. The more complex your ideas get; the more help you will require in expressing them.

That is why level of organization are necessary. Every level has its price, however the more work you do the more it is worth that amount.

There are so many more relevant things than simple organization. We all have the ability to rationalize everything which is both positive as well as negative.

It is a positive because you don't know how far you are able to go until you get there. You have to portray a high degree of trust in yourself as well as others so you all can achieve the same goal.

Knowledge is power; however wisdom comes from knowledge as well as relaxation. If we are all to excited we cannot achieve what we set our minds to which is extremely tragic. Emotional levels; as well, our allies, only if we are capable of controlling them.

Depending on how you observe the characteristics is better still. There is always a positive out there; all that is required is the effort to pursue it.

It does not matter what path you follow as long as your passions lead you. No matter what if you enjoy the voyage you will live a long and genuine life. The more that you enjoy it the longer it will be. To be unified in all you can be is what leads you on the greatest adventure.

Worrying is one of our greatest downfalls. It is not possible to worry so much as well as have an abundantly joyful lifelong celebratory existence.

Having negative thoughts is extremely difficult on yourself as well as society as a whole. It in essence takes the form of a tree which branches out into all we meet. Negativity is as pointless as being outside is the rain with no umbrella.

Fire has its beauties as well as downfalls. It portrays what is true, through its light. However its destructive capability should be dealt with accordingly.

This destruction that fire entails upon life is causing life to flourish as well. It is similar to our ideas which our good as well as strong. However our timing may be off and so destruction ensues.

Even though anything good could lead to something bad, what matters most is the amount of people or other forms of recognition that ensues. The greater the communication is the broader and more effectual the concept may be.

There are so many factors it is like in elementary school again, but resisting to acquire the knowledge that is presented. If the problem cannot be solved one way you look for another solution. That is precisely how you can look at most explanations to problems.

Even though you need increasingly more patience due to the complexity of the situations that you encounter in life, the explanations as well as the solutions are capable of extreme variation. If they are set on the truth you have an exceedingly higher chance of gaining the access to wherever the key of life takes you.